The Centre for communication, hearing and speech Portorož (CKSG Portorož) is an institution for the provision of educational activities, which is performed as a public service in the field of education of children and adolescents with special needs i. e. children and adolescents hearing impairments, speech and language disorders and children with autistic disorders and learning disabilities.
The institution performs a public education service in the areas of preschool education, primary education and public health service activities.
The Centre for communication, hearing and speech Portorož is an educational, diagnostic, research and advisory rehabilitation centre that develops its own methods, work techniques and educational programs, with a preventive, compensatory, correction and social integration task, both in the Littoral Karst region and beyond our borders.
The whole number of staff in the centre is 102 persons (special teachers, educators, peripathetic teachers, speech therapists).
Contact person: Marko Strle,
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