In these documents and presentations each partner countries describe how inclusive education is organized in the context of their country.
Partner Country documents and presentations of inclusive education.
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On the road of Inclusion: 7 partner Countries |
Inclusive Education in Belgium Abstract Inclusive education in Belgium started in 2014 with Decree M – Measures for students with special educational needs. Subsequently, the Guidance Decree (in force since 2021) aims to implement inclusive processes in Belgian schools. This is a complicated path. The presence of therapists and specialists in the common school to support SEN pupils finds some barriers and obstacles. The essay highlights the Flemish school, which best represents the ongoing challenge in the country to include pupils with SEN in mainstream schools. Author Schraepen Beno, coordinator ASuMIE Project, AP University – Applied Sciences and Art, Antwerp – Belgium. |
Inclusive Education in Bulgaria Abstract In Bulgaria since 2016 the way of seeing and thinking about disability andmore generally about diversity has changed. Inclusive education has beenseen as a possibility to improve the education system and the care system.Some influential actors are responsible for the philanthropic actions of privatefoundations, but the collaboration between public and private services hasimproved. Furthermore, there is a strong commitment to teacher training.The essay reports some considerations on the involvement of families in therehabilitation plan for SEN children. Author Tsoneva Magdalena, Development and External Communications Specialist, Karin Dom Foundation, Bulgaria. |
Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic Abstract In the Czech Republic, inclusive education started in 2016 (Decree No.27/2016 on the education of students with special needs and gifted students).Since then, many state counselling centres have been activated to helpteachers, support/remedial teachers and school psychologists in receivingand educating SEN students. In addition, NGOs play an important role in thecountry.The essay gives a broad overview of state resources for special educationand inclusive education. The problems of SEN students are considered intheir complexity. Authors Krejčová Lenka, psychologist and coordinator DYS Centrum, Praha, Czech Republic. Pokorná Daniela, psychologist DYS Centrum Praha, Czech Republic. Pechancová Jana, psychologist and pedagogist, DYS Centrum, Praha, Czech Republic. |
Inclusive education in Italy Abstract After a brief historical excursus, the essay illustrates the situation of Italianschools, which are increasingly oriented towards collaboration with health andsocial services (Welfare State).In Italy, associations and cooperatives plays an important role in creatinginclusive regional systems through the creation of networks aimed atwelcoming people with SEN. This way of working is an ongoing challenge forhealth, social and educational specialists. Authors Cairo Mariateresa, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy. Carruba Maria Concetta, Università Telematica Pegaso, Roma e Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy. Rosas Raffaella, coordinator, Cooperative Imparole Centre, Cernusco sul Naviglio, Milano, Italy. Lovati Vinia, psychologist, Cooperative Imparole Centre, Cernusco sul Naviglio, Milano, Italy. Regis Fabio, psychologist, Cooperative Imparole Centre, Cernusco sul Naviglio, Milano, Italy. |
Inclusive Education in Norway Abstract The Norwegian school system has paid attention to inclusive policies andcultures for all SEN pupils since the 1970s.In 1998, education for pupils with special needs became a legal right for allpupils, after an expert assessment of their needs, regulated by the EducationAct (2012).The essay analyses the system of additional support in schools (fromkindergarten to upper secondary school and vocational school), organised incooperation with health services. New perspectives on the dissemination ofUniversal Design for Learning to break down psychosocial barriers andeducational obstacles are presented. Authors Gunvor Sønnesyn, coordinator and psychologist, Pedverket Resource Centre, Voss, Norway. |
Inclusive Education in Portugal Abstract In 2008 and 2018, Portugal went through two important periods that improvedthe school inclusion of SEN students and the possibility of providing effectiveresponses to the diversity of people. Portuguese teachers are takingresponsibility for SEN students, thinking about better strategies (from theinstitutional to the didactic and educational level) to guarantee the humanrights of people with disabilities and to improve inclusive policies andpractices.The essay describes three approaches to disability that have characterisedthe history of Portugal: the medical model, the social model and the bio-psycho-social (ICF) model. Authors Candeias Adelinda, University of Evora, CHRC, Portugal. Félix Adriana, University of Evora, CHRC, Portugal. Galindo Edgar, University of Evora, CHRC, Portugal. Portelada António, ESSE-Santarém, CHRC. |
Inclusive Education in Slovenia Abstract Special schools and residential institutions exist in Slovenia. The country faces socio-economic barriers that block inclusive community processes. How can sustainable and accessible environments be created? What does education for all mean? Can the right to education guarantee social justice beyond individual differences in ability and background? The essay analyses the changes taking place at the social, economic, educational and cultural levels in Slovenia. Author Rot Barbara, speech therapist, CKSG – Centre za Komunicacijo, sluh in govor, Portorož, Slovenia. |
Bulgaria Presentation |
Czech Republic Presentation |
Flanders/Belgium Presentation |
Italy Presentation |
Norway Presentation |
Portugal Presentation |
Slovenia Presentation |