AP – Belgium

AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp (AP) is a higher education institution located in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium. AP has almost 12,000 students and offers 24 professional bachelor and 8 art programs, clustered into 4 faculties – Health and Social Care, Management and Communication, Education and Training, Science and Technology – and 2 schools of arts – the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp.
There is a strong connection between research and education since research results and methods are integrated in the curricula. Dynamic international partner networks support the development of innovative and interdisciplinary project ideas at AP. We have a history of 15 years in supporting inclusion in Flanders/Belgium and abroad.

Contact person: beno.schraepen@ap.be

Website: www.ap.be

iSOS Knowledge Center: www.kenniscentrumisos.be

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